Take a risk! Find your niche! Get to work!
How do entrepreneurs get ideas for a new business and how do they make their businesses thrive? What drives some entrepreneurs to use their ability and wealth to help others pursue their dreams and live better lives? Every entrepreneur has a unique story, but many share qualities that have helped them on their road to achievement.
In How to Become an Accidental Entrepreneur readers will meet almost 100 entrepreneurs, such as Stephen Spielberg, Victoria Kisyombe, Oprah Winfrey and Amit Goffer, whose work has made a difference around the world. These entrepreneurs and more used their financial prosperity to help the world by giving donations or setting up charitable organizations. Young readers will discover the fascinating stories of people who turned obstacles into creative actions that allowed them to start new companies and create jobs for others.
The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.
Praise for other books in the Accidental series:
★ "Engaging and thought-provoking, this book is a treasure trove of inspirational people and ideas." —Canadian Children's Book News, starred review
"With many geniuses included and a good deal of space devoted to illustrations, each introduction is limited in length but usefully concise. An informative overview with an upbeat look and a lively text." —Booklist
"This volume will inspire readers to conduct further investigation into the movements that excite them, and they might be spurred to stand up and make their voices heard." —School Library Journal