Imagine going through puberty again. Only this time it's puberty squared and you have had no preparation for the cataclysmic changes you are about to experience. No warning. No support. No let-up on responsibilities. No precedent. You are afraid that you are going crazy. You have no idea how you're even going to make it through the rest of your life. And you are just too freaking HOT!!!
The only thing you know for sure is "I just don't feel like ME anymore." This is the mantra of the midlife woman.
If this describes you or someone you love, this book is for you. It offers a map for all the changes that presage (read overwhelm) the second half of a woman's life - Menopause and Beyond - complete with lists of what she'll need to know, pack, and prepare for the journey. Down-to-earth information and remedies mixed with belly laughs illuminate "the Change". These are followed by ways to grow new relationships and focusing a Vision for the woman she wants to become for her Second Act. (Think Sweet Potato Queens meets The New Passages). Most important, there's a how-to guide for creating her own Menopause Goddess group to support and facilitate her becoming so she won't have to go it alone.